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Cops cutting into forensic backlog

Cape Town - The SA Police Service's forensic science laboratories (FSLs) have reduced the total backlog for all categories of samples by almost 20%, Police Minister Nathi Mthethwa said on Wednesday.

In written reply to a parliamentary question, he said the total entries on hand decreased by 19.25% between April 1 last year and March 31 this year. The backlog in ballistics decreased by 39%, in the biology section there was a 33% decrease, and 21% in questioned documents.

The only environment to have recorded an increase in 2009/2010 was the chemistry section, with a 24% increase in total entries on hand, Mthethwa said. The average processing time for samples in each category was: ballistics 38 days, biology 103 days, chemistry 204 days, questioned documents 41 days, and scientific analysis 58 days.

However, the average processing times were inflated due to the increased focus on finalising backlogs and should not be seen as standard processing times, he said. Steps were being taken to eradicate backlogs and increase turn-around times for the analysis of exhibits, such as "capacitating the environment" in respect of human resources, skills (through employee development), upgrading equipment, and enhancing analysis processes.

"Backlogs at the forensic science laboratory are deemed priority and increased efforts are being embarked upon to ensure the eradication thereof. "(As part of this) the ministry, through the secretariat, we have been working with international experts who are assisting us with identifying what are the causes of the backlogs and steps that need to be taken to resolving the backlogs."

During 2009/2010, only three exhibits were reported missing, which calculated to 0.005% of the average number of exhibits on hand per month during the same period. This was a 50% decrease in comparison to the 2008/2009 financial year, Mthethwa said.
