\AK-si-duhns\ | noun 1. the rudiments or essentials of a subject. 2. Grammar. a. the study of inflection as a grammatical device. b. the inflections so studied. | Quotes | Now, the subjective determination of yourself you apply to an external; the accidence of your Ego you change into an accidence of the thing, which is to be external, of a substance which is to be extended in and to fill up space. -- Johann Gottlieb Fichte, translated by A.E. Kroeger, Science of Knowledge, 1868 | Origin | Accidence likely comes from the Latin grammatical term accidentia which referred to the part of grammar dealing with inflection. This sense was then extended to the broader fundamentals of a subject. Predictably, though, accidence is related to the word accident, from the Latin accidere meaning "to befall." | |