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Bus had cardboard numberplates

Johannesburg - An overloaded Zimbabwean bus with handwritten cardboard numberplates was stopped on the M1 North in Johannesburg on Friday evening, the city's metro police said.

The driver was arrested after he bribed a police officer and gave false documentation, Inspector Edna Mamonyane said.

"The man gave photocopied and false documents to the policeman," she said.

"When the officer told him you have to have legal papers for public transportation, he gave a doctor's certificate."

Even his driver's permit was photocopied, and some of the other papers was forged. The driver then tried to bribe the officer with R100.

"The policeman took it and then arrested him for fraud, corruption and bribery."

The bus had been leaving Johannesburg and heading back to Zimbabwe at 17:00 when it was stopped.

"The bus was overloaded with passengers and goods they had bought in the country," said Mamonyane. She said the bus would be impounded as soon as all the passengers were removed.

"Some of them are still in the bus right now."
