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10 new ministries for E Cape

Johannesburg - Eastern Cape Premier Noxolo Kiviet announced a cabinet reshuffle in the province on Saturday. "Over the last eighteen months, we have been seized with the task of improving the quality of services rendered to our communities particularly focusing on our priorities, the premier said in a statement.

"In doing so, proper attention had to be given to the much needed synergy's and alignment with the national efforts. In this regard, the posture of some of our ministries has had to be revisited." Kiviet said the during this period the provincial government had the opportunity to identify gaps within the service delivery chain which required prompt intervention to strengthen its leadership.

Two members of the executive council had also resigned which added to the "need to re-look" at the composition of the council, she said. Ten new ministries had been established:

- Public Works, Roads and Transport MEC Thandiswa Marawu.

- Human Settlements, Safety and Liaison MEC Helen August-Sauls.

- Provincial Planning and Finance MEC Phumulo Masualle.

- Economic Development, Environmental Affairs and Tourism MEC Mcebisi Jonas.

- Social Development, Women, Youth and People with Disabilities MEC Pemmy Majodina.

- Education and Training MEC Mandla Makupula.

- Health MEC Sicelo Gqobana.

- Local Government and Traditional Affairs MEC Mlibo Qhoboshiane.

- Sports, Recreation, Arts and Culture Xoliswa Tom.

- Rural Development and Agrarian Reform MEC Zoleka Capa.
